
Journal Entry: September 29, 2011

yay 1,50 shots

blow job

OSU Group

Molly and I

Heidelberg Herbfest

Uterestraß at night during the Herbfest, so many people!

Heidelberg is still going pretty good right now. Tomorrow is my last day of my sprachkurs (language class). I haven't learned quite as much as I thought I would. But I feel like my German has improved. It's easier for me to produce sentences now. But I never really speak German outside of class which sucks. But I really like my class and I'm going to miss them. I haven't been to busy., I'm by myself a lot since I live alone. Last weekend was really fun. Heidelberg had a Herbfest, just a big festival with food, concerts, floh markt, drinks, food , little stands selling arts and crafts and random stuff. There was so many people you were always touching shoulders while walking down the street. I got really drunk that night and made out with two men. Yay go me. One older dude and one younger dude, and I got free drinks out of it!! Holla... But the younger one was an American!! My first American!!! loool I broke my own rule. Then the next day I didn't have any advil and I had the worst headache all day. Yesterday nine of us went to Stuttgart for the Volksfest, like a mini Oktoberfest with Bier, food games and rides. It was really fun and it's a pretty city. I rode some sweet ass carnival rides and got a big Bier Stein. :D

party on

PEOPLE err where!




Rebecca, Aaron, Sinead and Kristen


they had to much fun

Carnival rides!

Big beer garden/tent

ahh yea, that's a lotta Bier

hmmm there's kids around

ya I rode that

I'm becoming a kabsah master

fun drink for the weekend

it felt like summer!!! in Oktober

yayaya found some DP

and some mac and Cheese!
really Luisa, sick

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