My other half |
So for the last month I've been up to a whole lot of nothing, well besides going to the bars about err night. I'm on break right now until mid April. It was really cold out, now it's starting to warm up which is awesome so I can be outside all the time!!! I love to just go out and run around for hours. I usually go to Luisa's on the weekends, then party all week in Heidelberg, the usual. But I think we have more fun on our walks home at night than anything else.
Alois |
Mat, Alois, and Lavinia |
Rebecca and Meg |
Moe and I |
Björn und Juliana |
I celebrated Fasching in Heppenheim with Luisa. Fasching, or better known as Carnival, it’s festive which occurs right before Lent. It involves parades and celebrations. It was so insane; we have parades in the US but nothing like this. Everyone dresses up in costumes, adults and children; it’s like Halloween on drugs. In Heppenheim they had a big parade and we got to ride in it with Luisa and her Friends. Even though it was extremely cold and even snowing at one point, everyone was drinking and eating ice cream and singing and listening to really loud music. It was so fun, everyone is happy and screaming and singing. At two points I had to pee so bad I thought I was gonna pee my pants, but luckily we went up to some random houses and they let us pee. I don’t what I would’ve done if they would’ve said no. The parade lasted a couple hours, but poor Luisa almost didn’t make it. She’s a light weight, she’s doesn’t have a liver like mine :D, HA!
There was also a parade in Heidelberg, but not as big as the one in Heppenheim. I would’ve loved to have gone to Köln, where it’s like extremely crazy. The city is very big and Carnival is a famous event in Köln, it would be Heppenheims' Parade times 100!!!!!
On February 26, my little man turned 4! I can’t believe he’s so old! But I got to Skype with my family for 2 hours during his Birthday party at McDonalds! The little poop is so spoiled, he got so much stuff!
I really want to get into photography, so I’m going to start getting into that. And this semester I want to join a club basketball team.
In 4 days I start traveling, I’m so excited!!!!
night I won 5 euros from Mat for the Superbowl! |
Fasching Parade in Heppenheim |
Luisa |
Bees mit Bier |
multitasking |
Alex und Alois |
Fasching Parade in Heidelberg |
Cute |
Dunja und Zach |
Josh, Zach and me |
Nik and Lavinia |
skyping allover the world |
Birthday boy got a little messy |